#la santa
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auranova26 · 5 months ago
If you'll pardon me for asking, regarding your Darkstalkers AU, why make Felicia a wrestler instead of a pop star? Is there any special reason why, or was it just for fun?
Oh no worries, I am happy to answer. 😄 In Cryas Darkstalkers, Felicia is fully intended to be Mexican: both her biological parents being of Mexican descent, but importantly her adopted mother, Ramona Rose, is a Mexican living in America. Thus, Felicia grew up with such a culture. As she grew up, she was an avid fan of the luchador, El Santo.
Collecting comics when she could afford to buy them with allowance and watching any film she could of him. He was basically her idol and hero, as he was for basically the country of Mexico. Dude was crazy famous. Through him, she gained a love for acting and the sport of lucha libre.
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(Art by Mastermaindd) While she hoped to maybe one day meet the legendary luchador, he would pass away before she could reach adulthood. Into adulthood, she is primarily an actress. Not only for her passion to entertain, but as a way to eventually catch the hearts of all to show how the unity of humans and non-humans was possible considering the loving mother she has and the people of Taos, New Mexico that grew to accept her. However, her love for lucha libre still burned fiercely in her. Once she built the foundation of her career as an actress, she would also pursue her passion of lucha libre on the side for fun. That would catch the eyes of people in Mexico in time. As a luchadora, she goes by the name of La Santa, in honor of El Santo.
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(Art by Alm) In the end, just wanted to give some further depth to my interpretation of her. Considering I myself am Mexican American, wanted to do a bit more for her other than just saying she is Mexican in my mythos. So, the luchador angle was a fun one to give to her. Plus, like wrestlers, they entertain. And actors/actresses entertain, so why not have El Santo, one of the most famous individuals in Mexican history, be the reason she was inspired to go down the path she went. I hope this answers your question. 🫡 Have this bonus art advertising a charity match between La Santa and a fellow luchdor from the motherland:
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Art is made by my friend Tori.
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worldmusicandcinema · 2 years ago
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Lola Indigo - LA SANTA
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yours-stevie · 2 years ago
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‘La Santa’ is out now!! 😈 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ce3XGIcqN-Q
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sintanto-blablabla · 8 months ago
El romance no es mi área
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delaruecaalapluma · 1 year ago
La corona artística de santa Teresa de Jesús
Explicación de la corona artística
Daniel de Pablo Maroto, ocd Convento de La Santa-Ávila Los que visitan la mal llamada “Capilla del nacimiento” en la iglesia de “La Santa” en Ávila, encontrarán en el altar su imagen en la hornacina con una corona que adorna su cabeza. Es una pieza valiosa, pero en las fiestas solemnes en el mes de octubre en el que se conmemora su muerte el día 15 con novena y procesión, luce una corona que es…
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sitting-on-me-bum · 9 months ago
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Close up of a male Violetcrowned Woodnymph hummingbird (Thalurania columbica) taken at the Tienda las Rosas near the El Dorado Lodge in the Santa Marta Mountains of Colombia.
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sweetreveriee · 1 month ago
these are all the places ive found helping those affected by the la fires. please stay safe everyone <3
Planet Fitness Offers Free Things (ends January 15)
Form To Get Free Temporary Housing From AirBnB (space limited, eligibility criteria required)
List of Restaurants Offering Free Meals (updated January 9)
Watch Duty
List of Updated Info
Spreadsheet of Resources (by location and type of aid)
If you have anything to add to the list linked above, comment here
If you need shelter, text "SHELTER" and your zip code to 43362 for nearest open shelters
open shelters:
Arcadia Community Center – 375 Campus Drive, Arcadia, CA 91007
Ritchie Valens Recreation Center – 10736 Laurel Canyon Blvd., Pacoima, CA 91331
Pan Pacific Recreational Center – 7600 Beverly Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90036
Westwood Recreation Center – 1350 Sepulveda Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90025
El Camino Real Charter High School – 5440 Valley Circle Blvd, Woodland Hills, CA 91367
Pasadena Civic Center – 300 East Green Street, Pasadena, CA 91101
Pomona Fairplex – 1101 W McKinley Ave, Pomona, CA 91768
YMCA of Metropolitan Los Angeles - locations unaffected by fire are open and providing free childcare to those who need it. also offering evacuation sites, temporary shelter, basic amenities, and showers.
for updates and locations click here
CalTrans Updated Road Closure List
Fare collection suspended at Metro through January 9. A list of updates and changes that occurred because of the fires and winds can be found here.
Lyft is offering two free rides of 25$ each (50$ total) for 500 riders using code CAFIRERELIEF25. offer ends January 15.
Uber is offering a free ride of up to 40$ for those who use code WILFIRE25 in the wallet section of the app
List of Shelters (check capacity and availability)
LA County set up a 24/7 hotline to help with anxiety, distress, and grief. Call (800) 854-7771.
remember the six p's:
people and pets
papers, phone numbers and important documents
prescriptions, vitamins, and eyeglasses
pictures and irreplaceable memorabilia
personal computer, hard drive, and disks
plastic (debit, credit, ATM cards) and cash
what to put in your "go bag":
face masks/face coverings
three-day food supply (nonperishable)
three gallons of bottled water per person
map marked with AT LEAST two evacuation routes
basic first aid and medical supplies
sanitation supplies
toothbrushes, toothpaste, hair brush, deodorant
period products
prescriptions and medications
a change of clothes (bring AT LEAST one warm coat)
spare eyeglasses or contacts (if needed)
extra set of car keys
chargers for your devices
cash, credit/debit cards, traveler's checks
battery powered radio
(copies of) important documents such as birth certificates, passports, insurance, a list of emergency contacts and phone numbers
your wallet (ID CARD)
food, water, and meds for your pets (checklist here)
a can opener
not necessary but you might want to bring:
valuable items that can be easily carried
family pictures that cannot be replaced
more than a day's worth of clothes
important school supplies (for students)
trophies, medals, certificates, awards
pens and paper
self defense tools (pepper spray, pocket knives, etc) (NOT ENCOURAGING VIOLENCE. FOR SELF DEFENSE ONLY)
extra shoes
fuzzy socks
non-essential hygiene products
gum/breath mints
Best Friends Animal Society
LA Fire Department (donations sent directly to first responders)
LA Food Bank
LA Works
Salvation Army
Santa D'Or (in need of fosters for displaced cats)
Silverlake Lounge (also offering a communal gathering place)
Sweet Relief Musicians Fund
Dream Center (in need of volunteers + non-perishable food items)
The Red Cross
We Are Moving the Needle
World Central Kitchen
United Way of Greater LA
As of January 9, the Westwood Recreation Center and Pan Pacific Park are at full capacity and not accepting additional donations. Check with all organizations by phone, text, or email before donating if possible.
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matthewgrantanson · 5 months ago
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Rain Breaker, Los Angeles -- March 7th, 2024
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diioonysus · 1 year ago
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red + art
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389 · 3 months ago
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Palette restaurant, Los Angeles, 1984.
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whitechocolateanti · 2 months ago
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natural habitat
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vestaignis · 4 months ago
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Кафедральный собор Малаги (Базилика Святой Иглесии Катедраль-де-ла-Энкарнасьон ) — главная и самая большая церковь города. Расположен Кафедральный собор на площади Пласа-дель-Обиспо,  Испания. Его строительство началось в 1525 году и закончилось в 1782 году, построен он на месте мечети альжама. Долгое время Малагский собор считался вторым по высоте зданием Малаги, а по высоте сводов он уступает лишь собору Пальмы, расположенному на Майорке.
Малагский собор — архитектурный памятник эпохи Возрождения, но проект несколько раз менялся. Основной архитектурный проект был разработан Диего ди Силоэ и Андрес де Вандельвира. Собор строился на протяжении трех веков, поэтому архитектура собора представляет собой смешение разных стилей. Доминирует стиль эпохи Возрождения, но в нем присутствуют элементы готики, барокко и неоклассицизма. Три арки главного портала отделаны мрамором разных цветов. Над каждой дверью размещены изображения главных святых Малаги. Главный фасад собора выполнен в стиле барокко и имеет три арочных портала, над ними ра��положены барельефы святых покровителей Малаги и сцена Благовещения. По бокам фасада расположено две башни — северная, имеющая высоту 84 метра, и недостроенная южная из-за которой собор в народе называют «Манкита» (Одноручка). Три нефа имеют одинаковую высоту, но средний неф шире остальных, чтобы обеспечить устойчивость конструкции, учитывая их большую высоту, архитектор использовал интересную систему: крестообразные колонны соединены с коринфскими колоннами. Сводчатый потолок имеет многочисленные украшения. В интерьере чувствуется влияние ренессанса и барокко. Многие элементы убранства церкви выполнены из красного дерева и кедра в 17 веке Луисом Ортисом. Украшение партера для хора было сделано Педро де Мена, также его работа — 40 статуй, которые находятся в храме. Две кафедры церкви изготовлены из мрамора Кабра и украшены религиозными мотивами.
Внутри Кафедрального собора хранятся многочисленные произведения искусства религиозной тематики. В боковых часовнях можно увидеть: Плачущая мать: работы Педро де Мена, одного из выдающихся скульпторов эпохи барокко. Большая Дева Розария: кисти Алонсо Кано, знаменитого испанского художника и архитектора. Христос на кресте: Алонсо де Мена, являющийся образцом испанской религиозной скульптуры XVII века.
Внутри собора также находится капелла Святого Причастия, украшенная роскошной позолотой и мрамором. Главный алтарь кафедрального собора был создан архитектором Хосе Мартинесом в стиле ренессанс и декорирован резьбой по дереву. Соборный музей представляет коллекцию религиозного искусства, включая редкие манускрипты, литургические предметы и древние скульптуры.
The Malaga Cathedral (Basilica of Santa Iglesia Catedral de la Encarnación) is the main and largest church in the city. The Cathedral is located on the Plaza del Obispo, Spain. Its construction began in 1525 and ended in 1782, it was built on the site of the Aljama mosque. For a long time, the Malaga Cathedral was considered the second tallest building in Malaga, and in terms of the height of its vaults, it is second only to the Palma Cathedral, located in Mallorca.
The Malaga Cathedral is an architectural monument of the Renaissance, but the project has changed several times. The main architectural project was developed by Diego di Siloe and Andres de Vandelvira. The cathedral was built over three centuries, so the architecture of the cathedral is a mixture of different styles. The Renaissance style dominates, but it also contains elements of Gothic, Baroque and Neoclassicism. The three arches of the main portal are decorated with marble of different colors. Above each door are images of the main saints of Malaga. The main façade of the cathedral is made in the Baroque style and has three arched portals, above them are bas-reliefs of the patron saints of Malaga and the scene of the Annunciation. On the sides of the façade are two towers - the northern one, which is 84 meters high, and the unfinished southern one, because of which the cathedral is popularly called "Manquita" (One-handed). The three naves are of the same height, but the middle nave is wider than the others, to ensure the stability of the structure, given their great height, the architect used an interesting system: cross-shaped columns are connected with Corinthian columns. The vaulted ceiling has numerous decorations. The influence of the Renaissance and Baroque is felt in the interior. Many elements of the church decoration were made of mahogany and cedar in the 17th century by Luis Ortiz. The decoration of the parterre for the choir was made by Pedro de Mena, and his work also includes 40 statues that are in the temple. The two pulpits of the church are made of Cabra marble and decorated with religious motifs.
The interior of the Cathedral contains numerous works of art with religious themes. In the side chapels you can see: The Weeping Mother: by Pedro de Mena, one of the most important sculptors of the Baroque era. The Great Virgin of the Rosary: ​​by Alonso Cano, a famous Spanish artist and architect. Christ on the Cross: by Alonso de Mena, an example of Spanish religious sculpture of the 17th century.
The interior also contains the Chapel of the Blessed Sacrament, decorated with sumptuous gilding and marble. The main altar of the Cathedral was created by the architect José Martínez in the Renaissance style and decorated with wood carvings. The Cathedral Museum presents a collection of religious art, including rare manuscripts, liturgical objects and ancient sculptures.
Источник:/tripguides.info/spain/malaga/sight/sobor/,//t.me/borderlesstravel,/planeta.turtella.ru/spain/malaga/p1533424, /www.iguana.ws/ malaga-religiya-55316/, //www.tripadvisor.ru/Attraction_Review-g187438-d240307-Reviews-Malaga_Cathedral-Malaga_ Costa_del _ Sol _Province_of_Malaga_Andalucia.html.
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zanephillips · 11 months ago
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La santa piccola (2021) dir. Silvia Brunelli
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delaruecaalapluma · 1 year ago
El convento de “La Santa” en Ávila. Crónica de dos “exclaustraciones”
“La Santa” en Ávila. Crónica de dos “exclaustraciones”
Daniel de Pablo Maroto, ocd Convento de La Santa-Ávila Hay datos en la historia de las órdenes religiosas dignos de permanecer escritos no solo en los archivos sino en los libros de historia para que las generaciones futuras conozcan los avatares sufridos por sus propias familias. Ofrezco a los lectores los tristes sucesos que acontecieron en el convento de “La Santa”, en Ávila, en tiempos…
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miku-earth · 5 months ago
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Back in 2021 I drew P’urhépecha Miku based on the garb from my grandmother’s pueblo, Santa Fe de la Laguna💖 by perisceris
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escapismsworld · 1 month ago
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📍Charterhouse of Santa María de la Defensión, Jerez de la Frontera, Cádiz, Andalucía, Spain
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